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History of faculty

  Faculty of Pediatrics of Samarkand State Medical University was established in 1963. The first dean of the faculty is associate professor N.M. Kamalov. In the early years of the organization, students of the pediatric faculty studied in the departments of the medical faculty. Later, independent departments of pediatrics were established in the training program of pediatric specialists. In 1966, the Department of Propaedeutics of Children's Diseases, in 1967, the Department of Pediatrics, in 1968, the Department of Hospital Pediatrics, in 1970, the Department of Pediatric Surgery, in 1972, the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, in 1974, it was transformed into a department, in 1973, the department of therapy of the department of pediatrics was established. In 1985, the Department of Hospital Pediatric Surgery with the course of anesthesiology and Resuscitation was established, and later the departments of Neonatology and Emergency Pediatrics were established.

  Associate professor N.M.Kamalov, professor P.M.Lerner, professor S.H.Abdullaev, associate professor R.M.Salohitdinova, associate professor G.U.Sharajabov, Professor S.A.Borukhov, professor H.M.Mamatkulov, professor R.D.Jabborov, doctor of medical sciences A.U.Rakhimov, associate professor A.A.Abdusalamov, associate professor Sh.H.Mavlyanov, doctor of medical sciences, associate professor E.E.Kobilov, professor N.M.Shavazi, currently associate professor S.A.Karabayev is the Faculty of Pediatrics dean.

  Over the past period, the faculty has trained 12,000 pediatricians who work selflessly to protect the health of the young generation not only in Uzbekistan but also in many other countries. Among the graduates of the faculty, there are many health organizers: heads of regional health departments, deputy heads, chief doctors of regional and city medical centers, and medical associations. More than 50 graduates defend their doctorate theses and work in various higher educational institutions and research universities and institutes.  

  Currently, the faculty has 16 departments. These are Departments of  pediatrics No.1 and neonatology,  pediatrics No.2,  pediatrics No.3 and medical genetics, pediatric surgery No. 1, pediatric surgery No. 2, Department of neurology,  neurosurgery, ophthalmology,  obstetrics and gynecology No.2, traumatology and orthopedics, Department of radiological diagnostics and therapy, Propaedeutics of pediatric diseases, surgical diseases, Department of clinical and laboratory diagnostics, Internal Diseases of Faculty of Pediatrics, Department of infectious diseases and epidemiology. Of the 188 professors working at the faculty, 97 (51.87%) have academic degrees, including 25 (13%) doctors of science, 54 (29%) candidates of science.

  Among the graduates of the faculty - professor I.A.Akhmedjanov, professor B.B.Negmatdjanov, professor N.M.Shavazi, professor A.T.Jo'rabekova, professor S.K.Abdurakhmonova, professor T.A.Bobomuratov, doctor of medical sciences M.N.Abdullayeva, doctor of medical sciences L.A.Mukhammadiyeva, doctor of medical sciences D.T.Rabbimova, professor D.O.Atakulov, professor Yu.M.Akhmedov, associate professor F.Sh.Mavlyanov such as mentors and experienced experts in their field are working.

  Today, 1831 students study at the faculty. Education is conducted in Uzbek, Russian, and English languages, by the requirements of the qualifications of a general pediatrician in the direction of 5510200 - "pediatric work".

  To support educated and aspiring young people among students, competitions are held annually for the Rector's scholarship and other famous scholarships introduced by the university.

  Currently, A.R.Ergashev is the deputy dean for working with youth at the faculty; Deputy Deans for Academic Affairs: M.N.Nuritdinov, M.M.Yusupov, T.Sh.Shokirov, G.A.Yakubov, and O.S.Nurmatov have been constantly monitoring the students' daily lives, teaching processes, and activities in university life and giving necessary advice. The total number of students at the faculty for each semester should not be less than 99.5-99.8%, the high-quality mastery rate in subjects should be 80-90%, and the improvement is ongoing.

  In the Faculty of Pediatrics at different times in the position of deputy deans: professor F.K.Khannanova,professor S.A.Borukhov, professor M.A.Akhmedov, professor A.E.Mamatov, Professor M.K.Azizov, Associate professor M.T.Nasekin, Associate Professor A.M.Rasulov, Associate Professor V.R.Lemelev, associate professor Sh.K.Dehkanov, associate professor Sh.H.Mavlyanov, Candidate of Medical Sciences J.T.Turakulov, associate professor A.Y.Yazdanov, associate professor U.H.Shodiev, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor K.T.Sovetov, associate professor S.J.Yuldashev, associate Professor Q.M.Khalikov, Associate Professor A.H.Jalilov, Associate professor H.A.Tilyakov, assistant A.R.Usanov, assistant R.H.Kholiyev, assistant B.A.Djumanov, assistant A.A.Samadov, assistant A.N.Narmuradov. 

  The scientific work carried out by the scientists of the faculty is always inextricably linked with the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel and the requirements of practical health care.

  It should be noted that scientists of the faculty participate in contests for grant orders to carry out their scientific research. The teams of departments of children's surgery, neurosurgery, and surgical diseases are examples of others.

  According to the results of research completed in 2022-2023, 4 doctorate and 15 PhD theses were defended, 826 scientific works were published, in particular, 331 in republican journals, 269 abroad, 41 monographs, and 42 academic papers. manuals, 108 teaching-methodical recommendations, 18 articles in Scopus and WoS magazines, and 17 textbooks have been developed.

  Great attention is paid to working with gifted students, 2023 more than 150 students were accepted into the group of gifted students; they actively participated in the work of student scientific circles, represented the university at republican Olympiads, gave lectures at university, republican and international scientific conferences, were awarded publications, medals and diplomas.