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Admission regulations

Admission regulations

  Doctors are admitted to clinical residency on the basis of basic higher medical education in specialties, the list of which is determined by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as specialists who have previously graduated from clinical residency or magistracy and who want to get a second, non-core specialty. Admission to the clinical residency of doctors in the second narrow specialty is carried out on a paid-contract basis.

  Admission to clinical residency is carried out on a competitive basis. Competitive tests are held once a year, as a rule, in the last decade of August.

  Doctors who are citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who graduated from medical higher educational institutions in other states are admitted to entrance exams after nostrification of the document on higher medical education in the prescribed manner.

  For admission to clinical residency, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan announces a competition in the republican mass media with a deadline for submitting applications of at least 30 days from the date of publication of the announcement.

  The head of the educational institution organizes an admission commission chaired by the rector (vice-rector) of a medical higher educational institution or the director (deputy) of a medical scientific institution and approves its composition. The admission committee includes leading scientists from the institution in various clinical specialties.

  The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan determines the places for admission to the clinical residency as target places (with the conclusion after the receipt of a tripartite agreement with the employer - territorial health authorities, other departments) and free according to a general competition (without concluding an agreement). Competitive selection for targeted training is carried out in accordance with the allocated places in specialties based on the territorial principle - among applicants who live (or have a desire for further employment) in one region of the republic. Target places not filled in according to the results of the competition in one specialty are redistributed by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan for other regions, based on the need for personnel.

Simultaneous participation in the competition for admission to clinical residency in several institutions is prohibited.

  The right to enroll in clinical residency is reserved for persons who have passed the competition for the rating of the points scored (in this case, the person must score at least 30% of the maximum possible points) and have paid for the training (for a paid-contract form).

  Enrollment of applicants for training in target places, including additional ones, in the direction of other ministries, departments, organizations that run medical and preventive institutions, in addition to the specified conditions, is carried out after the conclusion of a tripartite agreement (training institution - clinical resident - territorial authority health management / ministry / department / organization) for employment after graduation and subsequent three-year work.

  Applications of applicants for training in clinical residency who participated in the competition and do not agree with the test results (the deadline for submitting applications is within three days after the announcement of the results), are considered by the appeal committee (the period for consideration is within 24 hours after the application is submitted). The appeal commission is organized on the basis of the order of the head of the institution. Leading specialists of the relevant field are involved in the composition of the appeal commission. In case of disagreement with the decision of the appeal commission, the applicant may appeal this decision in the manner prescribed by law.

  Admission to clinical residency on the basis of the conclusion of the competition committee is carried out by order of the head of the institution annually until September 10.

  Upon completion of the admission, the heads of the institutions, by September 10, submit to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan a report on the admission of doctors to clinical residency in the form established by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan.