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Student scientific society

  Participation of students in student scientific circles is an integral part of the educational process in the work of the Faculty. The number of students participating in these groups is 311 students. Materials of the study groups' activities are annually presented at the conference of young scientists of the university and the best works are delegated to interuniversity scientific symposiums and conferences, receiving 10-15 prize-winning places every year. This allows the dean's office, at the end of students' diploma education, to guide the process of granting scholarships, to conduct competitive selection among students for PhD studies, internships abroad, further research work and so on. Nabieva F.S. is in charge of SSS at the Faculty. Student Research Circle (Club) of the Department of Paediatric Surgery, Faculty of Paediatrics

 Pediatriya fakulteti Bolalar xirurgiya kafedrasi talabalar ilmiy jamiyati yig'ilishi.

Student Scientific Society of the Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics, Faculty of Pediatrics