Caring for the younger generation, striving to educate a healthy, comprehensively developed person is one of the features of the national character of the Uzbek people. To this end, a number of positive works are being carried out in our state, university, including at our department. Therefore, spiritual and educational work is one of the most important areas of activity of the Department of Internal Medicine of the Pediatric Faculty. At the department, spiritual and educational work is carried out during the school year on the basis of a plan approved by the rector.
Spiritual and educational work is coordinated by the responsible teacher of the Department of Internal Diseases of the Pediatric Faculty Nizomov Bakhtiyor Urakovich, organizes the activities of the department.
Professors and teachers constantly work at the department among students:
They introduce the works and speeches of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyoyev, decrees and decisions of the Oliy Majlis and the Cabinet of Ministers, as well as spiritual and material education in order to educate a mature generation, increase and improve the qualities of the universal human, national and spiritual worldview of youth: successful implementation and development of creative reforms in the republic; formation of a healthy lifestyle philosophy among students; improving the political and legal culture among students; timely informing students about social, political and creative events taking place in the world and the country; building a healthy spiritual environment among students; in cooperation with the teachers of Samarkand Medical University, in accordance with the direction and specialization of the main educational institution, the correct organization of free time of students, the organization of various circles;Selection and preparation of students for sports and other spiritual and educational events held at the Samarkand Medical University, the region and the republic, and achievement of prize results organize meetings of enthusiastic people working in the education and health care system, who enjoy high authority in the country, with students and thereby increase the incentive for students to become mature specialists in their profession in the future. Constant acquaintance of students with world and Uzbek literature, holding meetings and literary evenings with authors. Organize meetings with military guards of the Motherland in order to educate students in the spirit of love for the Motherland. Organize visits to the tombs of Gur Emir, Bibihanim, Shahi Zinda, museums and other historical places to better understand our glorious history and become a generation worthy of our great-grandfathers.![]()
1st dormitory. At the place of residence of students No. 1, under the guidance of employees of the Department of Internal Diseases of the Pediatric Faculty, as well as the director of the Samarkand Regional Chess Federation and the Afrosiob Chess Club Nosirov Akbar Akhtamivich, chess competitions were organized.