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Science club

    On the basis of the Department of Internal Diseases No. 1, a circle of SSOs "Future therapists" was organized. The work of the SSS is aimed at involving students in research and innovation activities, popularization of science, establishment and support of links with SSS of other universities, scientific institutes and enterprises. The lesson in the circle takes place during the daytime, in free time from the educational process. The purpose and objectives of the circle are to involve students who are interested in research work in the work of the circle, the organization of research work of students, the development of new methods and techniques of experimental and clinical research, in-depth study of the chosen discipline by students, instilling students with skills for research work and their participation in the development of the most important scientific directions of the university, participation in inventive and rationalization work, assistance in publishing and putting into practice the best student works, organization and holding of competitions of student scientific papers, student scientific conferences, Olympiads. During the classes, a discussion is held on topics on internal diseases. The problems in this area, modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of internal diseases are studied more globally.

    The responsible circle of SNO Akhmedov I.A. draws up a detailed annual plan reflecting all the work of the circle.

    The headman of the Fazliddinov circle, Zhanobeddin, is a 3rd-year student of the Faculty of Medicine, is a co-author of many theses and articles. Currently, the circle is attended by more than 15 students who are attached to the staff of the department and participate with them in research work, write theses and articles. The students of the circle participate in international and national conferences, Olympiads, show their positive results and some of them take prizes.