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Research work of the department

  The research work of the department is carried out in the spirit of loyalty to the ideas of independence, the formation of a legal culture of youth, philosophical problems of modern medicine, various aspects of the history of Uzbek statehood.

  All employees of the department are actively involved in the research work of the department and the institute. Currently there are 2 professors, Doctor of Medical Sciences. , 1 Associate Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, 1 Ph.D., 1 Senior Lecturer, 6 Assistants, 2 Basic Doctoral Students and 1 Master. Under the guidance of the head of the department and with the direct participation of professors T.D. Dehkanova, S.A. Blinova, scientific research is conducted on the basis of selected topics in the scientific direction "Morphological foundations of immune, nervous and endocrine control of members of the respiratory system". Under the guidance of professors T.D. Dekhk an ova, S.A. Blinova, scientific research is conducted on the basis of selected topics in the scientific direction "Morphological foundations of immune, nervous and endocrine control of members of the respiratory system". Under the guidance of  employees of the department conduct research work on scientific topics on the following candidate (PhD) and doctoral (DSc) dissertations.

  1. "Morphology of neuroendocrine structures of the intestine and mineralization of bone tissue in post-reproduction". Independent researcher F.I. Kholkhuzhaev, supervisor Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor F.S. Oripov.
  2. "Comparative morphology of the liver and fater papilla in mammals with and without a gallbladder", Independent researcher Z.M. Rakhmonov, supervisor Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor F.S. Oripov.
  3. "Morphological bases of innervation connections of the nervous apparatus of the gallbladder with spinal and ventricular nerve nodes". Independent researcher Kh.N. Rakhmonova, scientific supervisor of the faculty, professor T.D. Dehkonov.
  4. "Morphology of the intramural nervous system in the esophagus and reactive changes in the effects of experimental cirrhosis of the liver and pesticides." Basic Doctor A.Kh.Khamraev, Supervisor Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor F.S.Oripov.
  5. "Morphology of the intramural nerve of the right intestine, diffuse endocrine and immune apparatuses under conditions of experimental cirrhosis of the liver". Independent researcher A.R.Mamataliev, supervisor Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor F.S.Oripov.
  6. "Morphology ofthe intestinal nervous  and endocrine apparatus in postnatal ontogenesis and characteristics of experimental cholesterol" Independent researcher B.I. Jurakulov, supervisor Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor F.S. Oripov.

  During the activity of the department, 7 doctoral and 26 candidate's dissertations have been defended, more than 10 monographs, more than 120 educational and methodological recommendations, more than 900 scientific articles, 36 rationalization proposals have been developed. In particular, for 202-2 years, 3 monographs, 46 scientific articles (6 scopus journals), more than 30 dissertations have been published, 8 EXM programs have been developed.

Monographs and manuals published by the staff of the dra café.

Author's name

Title of the printed post


Blinova S.A., Islamov Sh.E., Maxmatmuradova N.N.

Functional morphology of the adrenalglandsof the immune system exposed to magnesium chlorate.


Dexkanov T.D., Dexkanova N.T., Raxmonov Z.M.

Withequalmorphology of the structural organization and connection of the mucous membrane of the ampoules of the fater papilla.


X.Nurboyev., K.Xalikov., M. Isakulova., D.Toshmurodov., F.Oripov.

"Pyrimidine bases andx remediationabilities and"


Shamsiev A.M., Oripov F.S.

Morphology of immunoneuroendocrine structures of the jejunum and experimental animals


Dexkanov T.D., Xusanov E.U.,

Raxmonov Z.M.

Yonbosh ichak neyroendokrin sistemasining ontogenezi va reaktiv o'zgarishlari.


Blinova S.A., Xamidova F.M.

Structural components of the larynx and its endocrine apparatus in experimental laryngitis


S.A.Blinova., T.D.Dexkanov., F.S.Oripov., N.B.Yuldasheva.

Normal and pathological embryogenesis of the face and oral cavity. 


S.A.Blinova., F.S.Oripov., Z.E.Jumanov., N.B.Yuldasheva.

Hormal and pathological embryogenesis of the oral cavity and face. 


S.A.Blinova., F.S.Oripov., N.B.Yuldasheva.

Educational and methodical recommendations for the diagnosis of histology to drugs for self-preparation of practical classes in general geology.


Boyqo‘ziev X.X., Bobojonov SH.SH., Dehqonova N.T., Xamraev A.X.,Yuldasheva N.B., Djurakulov B

Embriologiyadan mustakil uzlashtirish uchun ukuv – uslubiy tavsiyanoma


Boyqo‘ziev X.X., Dehqonova N.T., Xamraev A.X.,Djurakulov B .

Use of advanced pedagogical technologies for teaching life sciences in medical higher educational institutions


Oripov Firdavs Sur’atovich

Some immune methods for studying the morphology of the jejunum in the early stages of ontogenesis