The department trains students of 1-2 courses of the faculties of traditional medicine, general medicine, pediatrics, medical prevention, medical biology, dentistry according to the modular program of the discipline "physiology".
For each faculty and course, classes are conducted on the basis of the following approved documents:
- Qualification characteristic;
- State standard;
- Training program;
- Training work program;
- Calendar-thematic plan.
- modern educational technologies (graphic organizers, case technology and projection method).
The following technical training aids are used in the learning process.
A telecommunications system has been set up in which thematic videos, presentations, multimedia programs, lectures and practical classes are broadcast via TVs connected to a central computer. There is a single bank of scanned images designed for unified learning, structured according to the curriculum, and corresponding to all sections of the curriculum.
Department library.
- The library has more than 500 units of educational literature in English, Uzbek and Russian.
- The electronic library includes a textbook, atlases, teaching aids, teaching aids, texts of lectures, etc.
Laboratory work is actively carried out at the department.
1. Laboratory classes at the department are conducted according to the calendar thematic plan developed for each faculty.
2. Laboratory and practical work related to the subjects are discussed and the protocols are entered in the workbook.
Independent work of students.
Types of independent work of students,
1. Learning using interactive technologies.
2. Teaching with the help of diagrams, electronic images, images on the atlas and visual aids.
3. Application of physiological experiments and tests.
4. Writing essays using information from the Internet.
5. Preparation of tables on new topics through internet data.
6. Preparation of interactive games on subject topics.
7. Compilation of crossword puzzles.
8. Preparation of presentations on the topic.
9. Writing notes on topics.
10. Subject materials students discuss and communicate with each other.
Evaluation data for student knowledge, student attendance, and subject acquisition rates.
Control and assessment of student knowledge in the subject of physiology in accordance with the "rating regulation on the control and assessment of students' knowledge in higher educational institutions", amended and supplemented by the order of the MHSSE of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 25, 2010 No. 333, and the order of the rector of the university dated September 12, 2013 No. 43 "On making changes and additions to the system" on the institution, December 19, 2013 "On conducting training sessions at the university to assess and control students' knowledge when organizing the educational process in a credit-modular system", approved by order No. 951 / U “On the organization of the Internet in the e-learning system”, as well as the protocol of the Academic Council of SamMU dated June 15, 2016 No. 9 letter of recommendation”, and is done as follows.
The procedure for assessing the educational process of students.
Оценка-это один из этапов завершения учебного процесса учащихся, показывающий уровень усвоения учащимся учебного процесса. Определяет процесс оценки: устный опрос, тест, письменная работа, результат практических навыков.
Оценка по модульной системе, текущие оценки учебного процесса, и на основе суммы результатов окончательного контроля модуля выставляется традиционная 5-бальная я оценка по системе.
ИК проведение проводится и оценивается в присутствии заместителей декана на основе графика, составленного деканом факультета, в том виде, в каком университет использовал восковые тесты на компьютерах AТM.