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Methodological assistance to the Kattakurgan Medical Association

  On June 17, 2022, in order to implement the tasks set in the "Open Dialogue" of the President of our country The Head of the Chair of "Infectious Diseases" of Samarkand State Medical University, associate professor N.A.Yarmukhammedova and leading employees of the department - associate professors M.K.Yarmukhammedova and A.O.Orzikulov conducted events in the medical association of Kattakurgan city within the “Road map” for the provision of methodological assistance to the local medical associations.

  Initially, there was a comprehensive roundtable with the staff of Kattakurgan medical association on public health and promotion of healthy lifestyle, then consultations with patients in Kattakurgan central municipal polyclinic were held.

  Employees of SamSMU conducted a medical examination of patients, which was being treated in the department of infectious diseases of Kattakurgan Medical Association. All of them were provided with qualified consultative assistance.

  Qualified medical examinations and master classes of SamSMU staff in districts and cities of Samarkand region continue.

Press Service of SamSMU