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Morally and educational work of the department

    Students' leisure is carried out in cultural work. The formation of high moral values among students, the education of interest in professional activity, the need for a healthy lifestyle, the involvement of students in the cultural activities of the university is one of the main activities of the department. They visit historical monuments and sights of Samarkand, theaters and museums.

    Much attention is paid to physical culture and sports. Students attend sports sections in swimming, tennis, chess, football, basketball, volleyball, national wrestling, martial arts, athletics, which operate on the basis of the university sports complex. They actively participate in both regional and republican sports competitions.

    Spiritual and educational work is carried out according to an approved plan, according to which various events are held dedicated to historical dates, national holidays, sports competitions, etc. Various meetings are held jointly with the internal affairs bodies, law enforcement agencies, spiritual centers and other partner organizations.

    The head of the department and the teacher responsible for spiritual and educational work regularly meet with students. Every Thursday, classes begin with an introduction to the information hour.

At the department, the teaching staff conducts work among students as follows:

  • President Sh.M. Mirziyoyev Introduces the works and speeches of, decrees and resolutions of the Oliy Majlis and the Cabinet of Ministers, and also conducts spiritual and educational work with the aim of educating a harmonious generation, raising and improving the universal, national and spiritual worldview qualities of young people:
  • The conversation is conducted in the spiritual and educational sphere in order to inform students in a timely manner about social, political and creative events taking place in the world and the country.
  • Spiritual hours are regularly held every Thursday of the week in accordance with the plan. In addition, every morning a conversation about the latest news, spiritual and educational sphere is held with students, residents of the magistracy and clinical residents for 5 minutes. Organizes various sports games and sports clubs in order to form a healthy lifestyle among students.
  • In order to improve the political and legal culture of students, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoyev's works, speeches, materials of decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers and sessions of the Oliy Majlis introduce the content and nature of the adopted laws.
  • in order to form a healthy spiritual climate among students, visits to performances, movies and concerts are organized for the purpose of meaningful leisure activities.
  • in order to organize leisure time for students in accordance with the direction and specialization of the educational institution, the department organizes clubs and conducts scientific and practical classes for students.

A football competition was held with students of TTG No. 3 under the auspices of “Sports against Drug Addiction.”

A quiz was held with students of TTG No. 3 on the topic “What do you know about drug addiction?”

Photos of department staff from the SamDTU event dedicated to the national holiday "Navruz".