Research work of the department is carried out on the upbringing of the younger generation in the spirit of devotion to the ideas of independence, the formation of the legal culture of young people, philosophical problems of modern medical science, various aspects of the history of Uzbek statehood.
All employees of the department are actively involved in the research work of the department and the University. In the current period in the team of the Department 1 t.f.d., associate professor , 2 senior teachers, 13 assistants. Head of the department t.f.d., dosent Karabaev, A scientific research work is being carried out on the basis of Selected Topics in the scientific direction of gi on the topic “The effect of but extreme and extreme factors on the body”. Research work on scientific topics on the following candidate (PhD) dissertations is being carried out at the scientific Department of the Department.
- “Postrеаnematsion davrda reproduktiv tizimdagi o`zgarishlar ”. Mustaqil izlanuvchi Kim.D.V, ilmiy rahbar t.f.d., dotsent. Karabaev,A G
- “Reproductive system reactivity in physical exertion". Independent seeker Baboqandova M.B, scientific leader t.f.d., Associate Professor KarabaevA G.
- "Izmeneniya v hypothalamo-hypophysarnoy-neurosekretornoy sisteme he potomstva kres, podvergshixsya vozdeystviyu phosphororganicheskogo pesticide chlorpirifos (eksperimentalnoe issledovanie) .”. Independent seeker Djumaniyazov.SH A, scientific leader t.f.d., Associate Professor Karabaev A G
- “Hypothalamic-hypophysar-neurosecretory system reactivity in physical exertion”. Independent researcher Nurimov P B scientific leader t.f.d., Associate Professor Karabaev A G
- During the work of the department, 7 doctoral, 21 candidate dissertations were defended, more than 15 monographs, more than 110 educational and scientific methodological recommendations, more than 1200 scientific articles, 40 rationalization proposals were developed. In particular, in 2022-2023, 3 monographs, 60 scientific articles (in 3 Scopus journals), 1 doctoral dissertation, and 2 EXM programs were developed.
Monographs and teaching aids published by the staff of the Department
№ | Author's name | Name of the published application |
1 | Karabaev.A G | Changes in the hypothalamic-pituitary system during the postreanimation period |
2 | Karabaev A G | Pathogenitic basis for changes in the hypothalamic-pituitary system during the post resuscitation period. |
3 | Karabaev A G Nurimov P B. Yusupov M. | Physiology of adolescents |
4 | Xudjanova M A Mamadiyarova D U | Neurogumoral control of the functions of my organism |
5 | Karabaev A G | Hypothalamic-pituitary neurosecretory system in the process of adaptation under extreme conditions |
6 | Karabaev A G | Physiology of integrative regulation |
7 | Karabaev A G | Physiology of the visceral system of the body |