More than 60 state and international organizations, universities and research centers abroad establish and develop connections in the field of education and science with Samarkand State Medical University. Cooperation with universities in Europe, Asia, North America and the CIS is based on international programs and educational mobility.
Every year the number of highly qualified specialists, professors, students and researchers visiting SamSMU increases in order to establish international cooperation, develop traditions, improve skills, and participate in scientific conferences. The international objectives of Samarkand State Medical University are based on the Institute’s Development Concept and are aimed at strengthening education on an international scale. The main priorities of internationalization are to increase the number of foreign tourists, develop scientific projects with higher educational institutions and research centers abroad, and increase the number of researchers and teachers teaching at foreign universitie.
In particular, a student at the Faculty of Medical Prophylaxis, Baratov Isomad, took part in the article competition “Imras. The best scientific research - 2022" and was awarded an honorary diploma of the 3rd degree. took 2nd place at the International Student Olympiad “ Samarkand- 2020” (Leader: Shaykulov Kh.Sh)
Also, student Uzakova Sabina Erkinovna was awarded a 1st degree diploma as the author of an innovative idea in 2023 and became a laureate of the rector’s scholarship in 2023, took 2nd place at the All -Russian festival of students and youth “Man. Citizen. Scientist". Raykhona Azizovna Mirzaeva took 3rd place at the International Student Olympiad “Samarkand-2020”. Sadullayeva Malika Saidzhamalovna took 1st place at the International Student Olympiad "Samarkand-2020" (supervisor Bobokandova M). Marjona's daughter Shavkat Abdurakhmonova took 2nd place at the International Student Olympiad "Samarkand-2020".
SamSMU is ready for contacts with all world centers of education and science, universities, public organizations, the doors of the university are open to all foreign applicants, students, applicants and teachers.
Geography of cooperation:
The department has contacts and cooperation with more than 10 universities and research centers in near and far abroad countries, for example:
- Ryazan State Medical University;
- St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University;
- Medical University of Turkey;
- Kazakh National Medical University