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The staff of the Urology Department of the SamSMU perform high-tech surgical operations

  At the initiative of the rector of the Samarkand State Medical University, high-tech operations were introduced at the Urology Department, organized at the university, in a multidisciplinary clinic. Currently, the staff of the Urology Department perform minimally invasive operations, such as nephrectomy, renal cystectomy, as well as rare surgical interventions, including "transurethral removal of a bladder tumor" and endoscopic extraction of a stone from an abnormal ureter.

  On January 24 of this year, the staff of the Urology Department of the SamSMU and the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Urology performed the operation "Laparoscopic pyeloureteral anastomosis and stenting of the left ureter" on a patient diagnosed with "Stricture of the renal pelvis-ureter junction segment of the left kidney. Grade II hydronephrosis on the left. Renal hypertension." This operation was performed for the first time in the region.

  In addition, the department introduced nephrectomy operations using the laparoscopic method, which in the future will reduce the trauma and risks of kidney collection from a donor during transplantation. The modern material and technical base of the university clinic, equipping operating rooms with modern laparoscopic and thoracoscopic endovideosurgical stands created conditions for performing minimally invasive operations.

SamSMU press-service