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A study tour to the institute's library for first-year students

  On September 16, a group of first-year students of Samarkand State Medical Institute's Faculty of Pharmacy visited the library of the Information Resource Center of the Institute. Freshers were introduced to all departments of the library by Director of the IRC, G.I. Khudaiberdieva.

  So, they started at the scientific loan department where books in all fields of education are available. In the electronic library students saw directly the process of creation of electronic textbooks and other literature, then they were told about search of necessary literature in the reference and bibliographic department. In the reading room they were explained the basics of working with textbooks, monographs, dissertations, abstracts, medical and other journals. In the library only students of our institute are serviced, and educational literature is given out only by the library card. The librarians informed the students that the latest medical literature, including literature in foreign languages, is regularly replenished.

  It was also mentioned that the textbooks are provided in corresponding sets, and senior courses are provided with the textbooks for the past subjects in order to make them more comfortable to use educational literature.

  At the end of the introductory excursion the freshmen expressed their gratitude for the detailed explanation on how to use the rich library fund of the institute. Similar study tours are given to first year students of other faculties of the Institute as well.

Press Service of the SSMI