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​The Samarkand State Medical University held a reporting-election meeting of youth leaders

  On September 24, the Samarkand State Medical University held a reporting and election meeting of youth leaders. The event was attended by the Chairperson of the Samarkand Regional Council of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan Dilfuza Azizova, Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs and Spiritual and Educational Work of the University Eldor Tangirov, coordinators of the primary organization and students.

  At the meeting, the coordinators of the primary organization of the University Youth Union spoke with new projects and a long-term work plan. Through open voting, the coordinator of the faculty of preventive medicine Sardorbek Ochilov was elected head of the primary organization of the Youth Union of the Samarkand State Medical University.

O‘zbekiston Yoshlar ittifoqi Samarqand davlat tibbiyot universiteti boshlang‘ich tashkiloti  yetakchisi Sardorbek Ochilov

Press-service of SamSMU