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Visit of SamSMU representatives to I.P.Pavlov PSPbSMU (RF)

  On June 18, 2024, within the framework of the visit of the delegation of Samarkand State Medical University headed by Rector Zhasur Rizaev to St. Petersburg (RF), with the participation of the Health Committee of the Government of St. Petersburg, a meeting was organized at the First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after Acad. I.P. Pavlov.

  At the beginning of the meeting the guests were shown a video dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the University. Y.S. Polushin welcomed the guests on behalf of the Rector of the University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor S.F. Bagnenko, briefly spoke about the main directions of scientific work of the University, and also dwelt on the issues of organization of anesthesiology and resuscitation service. Speakers S.A.Karpishchenko, A.D.Kulagin told about international cooperation with state scientific, educational and clinical organizations of Uzbekistan within the framework of bilateral agreements, growth of number of jointly organized events, about special target program of training of students, clinical residents - citizens of Uzbekistan, on oncohematology and transplantology, expansion of bilateral cooperation.

  Rector of SamSMU J.A.Rizaev warmly thanked the administration of I.P.Pavlov State Medical University for the organized reception, which contributed to the further development of bilateral cooperation, noted that during the Second World War (1942-1944) on the basis of Samarkand State Medical University was located Leningrad Military Medical Academy evacuated in those years, which was one of the factors of intensive development of medical service of the region. He also stressed the great interest in the development of cooperation in educational activities, including the development of joint educational programs in various disciplines, including such areas as oncohematology, anesthesiology and resuscitation, urology, as well as issues of male reproductive health and others.

  The parties exchanged memorable souvenirs, and then an informative excursion to the Anatomy Museum of the University was organized for the guests.


SamSMU Press Service