On June 11 of the current year in the big hall of Samarkand State Medical University a musical and concert program for students and teachers dedicated to the national art of makom was held.
Honored artists of Uzbek national art, including People's Singer of Uzbekistan Isroil Vakhobov, Honored Artist of Uzbekistan Nuriddin Aminjonov, Honored Artist of Uzbekistan Ahmadjon Dadaev, Honored Artist of Uzbekistan Komila Burieva and People's Artist of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan Matluba Dadaboyeva performed in the festive program.
The melodies performed by the masters of art, which are masterpieces of our national art, elicited long applause from the participants of the festive meeting. The guests also shared interesting and valuable information about the history and modernity of Uzbek national art of maqom. The concert program was held in an uplifting and festive spirit.

SamSMU Press Service