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Preventive interview was organized with university students

  In order to prevent crimes, violation and joining foreign religious movements among the students of Samarkand State Medical University, regular roundtable discussions are organized with students. In particular, on March 29 of this year, a preventive roundtable discussion was organized together with the students of Samarkand State Medical University.

  The event was attended by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Number 3, lieutenant colonel Y.M. Murotovich, department officials and prevention inspector of Samarkand State Medical University O. Eshmurodov and as well as students. Explanations were given at the roundtable discussion about crime and non-commitment of crimes, legal punishments for them. The students were also told that it is the need of the time to avoid various destructive and foreign ideas and to be aware.

  Students had the opportunity to get answers to the questions they were interested in.

SamSMU Press Service