On November 11 of the current year the solemn opening of the new building for the Research Institute of Microbiology, Virology, Infectious and Parasitic Diseases named after L.M.Isaev took place in Samarkand State Medical University.
Thus, Khokim (eng. head of local government) of Samarkand region Erkinjon Turdimov, management of Samarkand State Medical University, faculty and other representatives of the sphere participate in the opening ceremony.
Speakers - Khokim of the region E.O.Turdimov, rector of Samarkand State Medical University J.A.Rizaev and others - emphasized that the newly opened center will make a great contribution to the development of medicine, in particular, microbiology, virology, infectious and parasitic diseases, not only in Samarkand region, but also throughout the republic, and wished good luck in the future activities of the scientific center.
This institute conducts scientific researches devoted to creation of modern and effective methods of early diagnosis of parasitic diseases, improvement of treatment mechanisms and determination of genotypes through molecular analysis, study of epidemiology of insect vectors of vector-borne diseases, analysis of mosquito vectors of leishmaniasis in all regions of Uzbekistan.
There are four departments in the Research Institute of Microbiology, Virology, Infectious and Parasitic Diseases named after L.M. Isayev at the Samarkand State Medical University. They carry out work in the fields of medical helminthology, medical entomology, study of protozoan human diseases and molecular biological diagnostics.
The Institute is fully equipped with necessary medical equipment (PCR, ELISA and others) that meets the requirements of the time and employs about twenty highly qualified staff.

SamSMU Press Service