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Cooperation between Samarkand State Medical Institute and schools of Koshrabad district continues

  In accordance with the the decree № 10-7-0-Q/22 of January 11, 2022 by Samarkand regional Khokimiyat (eng. Government) “On improving the quality of education in schools that ranked last in the Samarkand region”, teachers of “Uzbek language and literature, with Russian language” department of SamSMI visited secondary school # 4 in Koshrabad district on 19th of February. Open classes on the theme “The status of language is the status of the nation” were held with pupils. During the lesson, the richness of our native language and the need for deep study and respectful attitude to it were emphasized. Indeed, promoting respect for our language encourages pupils to develop a sense of respect for another ones.

  Teachers also provided valuable information on modern language learning methods and new international trends, highlighting suggestions for improving teachers' language skills.

SamSMI Press Service