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Invitation to the conference on the legacy of Abu Ali ibn Sino (Avicenna)

  Avicenna Public Foundation together with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Khokimiat of the Samarkand region and the Samarkand State Medical University cordially invite You to take part in the III International Scientific and Practical Conference on Traditional (Folk) Medicine - "Abu Ali ibn Sino (Avicenna) – The Pearl of the Medicine" to be held on October 12th, 2024 in Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan.

The purpose of the conference: to study and analyze the process of formation, development, dissemination of traditional medicine in the context of healing culture; to consider the level of knowledge of problems, to draw attention to the study of Ibn Sina's legacy and its contribution to the development of medical science.

The main objectives of the conference:

- acquaintance with new trends and achievements in traditional (folk) medicine;

- popularization and introduction of the traditional (folk) medicine’s methods into everyday life to prevent the various diseases;

-to study the methods of various centers, institutes, schools, systems and programs of complex human regeneration;

- to unitethe organizations and specialists in the field of folk, traditional and alternative medicine in order to form a single data bank;

- improving the professional level of the services provided.

The main scientific directions of the Conference:

1. The history of the development, formation and expansion of traditional (folk) medicine on the "Great Silk Road".

2. The role and significance of the scientific heritage of Abu Ali ibn Sino (Avicenna) in the development of traditional medicine.

3. Issues of studying and training of the specialists of traditional (folk) medicine: continuing education programs in Uzbekistan.

4. Formation of a specialist in traditional medicine: the experience of foreign countries, modern approaches.

5. Issues of accreditation of educational programs, specialization and licensing of specialists in traditional medicine.

6. The role of traditional medicine in modern pharmacology.

7. Folk medicine: infectious and non-infectious diseases.

8. From traditions to science: methods and clinics of traditional medicine in Uzbekistan.

9. Traditional medicine at the intersection of cultures and sciences

The official languages of the conference: Uzbek, Russian and English.

Forms of participation in the conference:

1. Publication of abstracts

2. Publication of abstracts and participation with the report.

All the materials of the scientific-practical conference will be published in conference proceedings.

The procedure for submitting applications for participation in the conference and registration of participants:

Abstracts prepared in accordance with the requirements (Appendix 1), as well as an application for participation in the conference (Appendix 2), must be sent to the organizing committee of the conference by e-mail: by August 20th, 2024.

No more than 2 abstracts are accepted from one author. Send the application and abstracts in one letter with different attached files (in Word format - the surname of the first author, for example: "Petrov.application.doc», «Petrov.тезис.doc "). The subject of the letter is "Conference".

All works will be checked for plagiarism.

In case of non-compliance with the requirements for registration or when sending abstracts later than the specified period, the submitted materials will be rejected by the editorial board.

Contact data / organizing committee:

Avicenna Public Foundation, 51“a” Parkentskaya str., Tashkent, 100007,

tel/fax (+99871) 268-08-97, e-mail:

Samarkand State Medical University

18 A.Temura str., Samarkand, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140100. Fax of the University: +99866-233-71-75; +99866-233-71-75

Responsible for correspondence:

Sharafova Inobat Axmedjanovna +998 91 528 30 70
