Биология ва тиббиёт муаммолари 2023 №5 (148)

Subject of the article



Mamatkulov Komiljon Mardonkulovich, Kholkhojaev Farrukh Ikromovich


Samarkand State Medical University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Samarkand


Injuries to the ankle and ankle joint are common pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and are a topic that has been repeatedly discussed in the foreign and domestic literature. Arthroscopy has become an advanced medical technology offering minimally invasive surgical interventions with excellent diagnostic capabilities for joint injuries and diseases. The purpose of the study is to improve the diagnosis of ankle joint pathology through the use of advanced research methods, including radiography, MRI, MSCT and arthroscopy. The article discusses the diagnostic capabilities of each method and highlights their features in identifying various diseases, such as hip fractures, osteoarthritis, soft tissue injuries, and chronic instability. The study included arthroscopic procedures in 16 patients, focusing on treatment modalities such as microfracture, chondroplasty, osteophyte removal, treatment of impingement syndrome, and ligament reconstruction. Postoperative results were assessed using the ankle function scale, which showed significant improvement in functionality and reduction in pain. The article concludes that arthroscopic intervention on the hip joint is a technologically advanced, minimally invasive procedure that allows for early rehabilitation, shortening the length of hospital stay and speeding up the recovery of patients compared to open surgical interventions.

Key words

ankle joint, leg injuries, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, arthroscopy, diagnostic methods, radiography, MRI, MSCT, minimally invasive interventions, therapeutic measures, functional assessment, rehabilitation, patient recovery.


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