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Journal of dentistry and craniofacial research

Article submission requirements

Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan



Dear colleagues!

  The editorial board of the scientific journal "Journal of Dentistry and Craniofacial Research " informs that materials are currently being accepted at No.4, 2022. Articles are accepted until November 20, 2022. The Journal publishes original articles in Uzbek, Russian and English containing the results of research in the field of dentistry, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, as well as review articles by leading experts on the journal's topics. The journal is registered with the Uzbek Press and Information Agency (ISSN 2181-0966.). Articles published in the journal are assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOIDigital Object Identifier).

  A list of requirements for the design of materials and conditions for submitting articles for publication is available on the website: The manuscript of the article and accompanying documents are recommendedto be submitted to the editorial office by e-mail: Executive Secretary Kubaev Aziz Saidalimovich, contact phone:+99891-52132005213200

To send an article to the editor, you must provide:

1. Cover letter from the institution where the work was performed.

2. Review of the article, signed by the reviewer and sealed.

3. Electronic version of the article sentный by e-mail.


  1. On the first page of the article there should be the visa of the head and the seal of the sending institution, on the last page-the signature of all authors with the surname, first name and patronymic, academic degree, title, postal address, contact phone number and e-mail address for correspondence.

  2. At the beginning of the article, indicate: the name, surnames, first names and patronymics of the authors, the name of the institution where the work was performed. Everything must be written in three languages (Russian, Uzbek, and English) without abbreviations.

  3. The text is printed on one side of an A4 sheet, Times New Roman font, size 12, with a single

line spacing, 2 cm field width, in MS WORD text editor.

  4. The structure of the original article should be as follows: introduction, materials and methods, results and their discussion, conclusion or conclusions, list of cited literature.

  5. Tables must have a header. The text should contain a reference to the table, but it is not allowed

repeating the data given in it.

  6. Illustrations (photos, drawings, diagrams) should be high-contrast and clear.

  You can create illustrations in JPEG format. Signatures to them should be issued in the following order:

  numbering on a separate page. You should include a link to the illustration in the text.

  7. Formulas (physical, mathematical, and chemical) are reviewed by the authors in the margins.

  8. Abbreviations other than generally accepted (physical, chemical, mathematical) values are not allowed. The article should use the SI system of units. Abbreviations in the title of articles are not allowed, and in the text they should be deciphered at the first mention.

  9. The articles should be accompanied by abstracts and keywords in Russian, Uzbek and English, indicating the name, authors, organization as on the first page. The text of an abstract of no more than 150 words should reflect the main provisions of the article.

  10. All articles must have a UDC.

  11. For articles in the category "Literature review" and "Case study", the abstract is not required.

  10. In the list of references cited authors are listed in alphabetical order (first in Russian, then in foreign languages). References to authors in the text are given in square brackets with their ordinal number, according to the list. When compiling a list of references indicated: for books-example: Bernadsky Yu. I.About new maxillofacial surgery of surgical dentistry of Russia. Moscow, 2007. 192 p.; for journal articles-example: Ayupova F. M. Influence of orthodontic treatment on the morphological and functional state of periodontal tissues complicated by caries// Medical Journal of Uzbekistan. 1996. No. 4. pp. 86-88.; for articles from collections-example: Grombakh S. M. Aktual'nye voprosy izucheniya sostoyaniya zdorov'ya detey i podrostkov [Actual issues of studying the state of health of children and adolescents]. Problemy okhrany zdorovya detey doshkol'nogo i shkolnogo vozrasta [Problems of protecting the health of children of preschool and school age], Moscow, 1981. pp. 9-19.; for dissertation abstracts-example: Martysh N. S. Primenenie orthopontomografii v in a number of dental diseases of children and adolescents, Avtoref. дисс. diss.... Candidate of Medical Sciences, Moscow, 1984, 18 p. The authors are responsible for the accuracy and accuracy of the data provided in the list of references. Non-standard articles are not allowed for publication.

  11. The volume of articles for the headings "Clinical trials", "Experimental studies", "Literature Review" and "Lectures"should not exceed 8-10 pages, including tables, illustrations and references. For the categories "Original article", "Exchange of experience" and "Case study" - no more than 4-5 pages.

  12. All materials submitted for publication, in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, will be checked for plagiarism.

  13. The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit, correct and shorten articles without distorting their essence. Articles previously published or sent to other journals will not be accepted. Articles that do not meet these requirements are not subject to review. Manuscripts are not returned to authors.