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Uzbek journal of case reports

Article submission requirements

Author Guidelines

  Only articles that have not been previously published in other publications are subject to publication in the journal. It is not allowed to send to the editorial office works that have been sent to other publications.

  The editors accept articles in English and Russian. Articles that do not follow these rules will not be accepted or reviewed.

  All articles submitted to the editors of the journal are peer-reviewed. Reviewers work with the article, strictly observing the author's right to non-disclosure until the publication of the information contained in the article.

  Articles are accepted by the editors for consideration only with a directive letter from the institution where the authors work to the editor-in-chief of the journal.

  Articles should be sent by e-mail to the in MS Word format with scanned copies of the referral letter and the first page of the article signed by all authors in .pdf format. The article must be signed by all authors or one of them, who takes responsibility and puts a signature with the note "agreed with all co-authors". Be sure to indicate the last name, first name, patronymic of the author with whom the editors will correspond, his e-mail address, contact phone number or postal address.

Article structure:

  Article title:the title should be simple, short (up to 10 words), contain descriptive terms and expressions that clearly outline the main content of the article. It is not allowed to use abbreviations and abbreviations, as well as trade (commercial) names of drugs, biologically active food supplements, products, care products, medical equipment, diagnostic equipment, diagnostic tests, etc. in the title of the article (more detailed information:

  Initials and surname of the author (authors)indicating ORCID profile, e-mail. The author who made the greatest contribution to the study is listed first. Be sure to indicate the author for communication.

  Name of institution(s)where the authors work, indicating the full address of the institution. Next to the surname of the author and the name of the institution, the numbers in the superscript indicate in which institution each of the authors works.

  Summaryoriginal scientific research should be structured and should contain the following sections: relevance, purpose, materials and methods, results, conclusions. The summary should fully correspond to the content of the work. The summary is a source of information independent of the article. It can be published separately from the main text of the article, so it should be informative, able to interest a potential reader to refer to the full text of the article, contain the main results and data from the article. The summary should be 200-250 words.

  Keywords.It is necessary to specify the keywords (from 5 to 10) that contribute to the indexing of the article in search engines. Keywords should complement the information conveyed in the title. When selecting keywords, you should use terms and expressions that are repeatedly used in the text of the article. Variants of terms (for example, heart and cardiac), names of drugs, procedures, etc. can be used as keywords; term abbreviations (eg, AH, CHD, etc.) Make sure that when entering keywords into the search engine, the search results match the topic of your article.

Metadata in English.

  Article title. The English-language name must be competent from the point of view of the English language, while the meaning fully corresponds to the Russian-language name.

  Author names.Full name must be indicated in accordance with the one registered in the ORCID database or in the same way as in previously published articles in foreign journals. Authors publishing for the first time should use the BGN transliteration standard or in accordance with the spelling in the foreign passport.

  Affiliation.It is necessary to indicate the OFFICIAL ENGLISH NAME of the INSTITUTION as indicated on the official website of the organization.

  Abstract.The English version of the abstract of the article should not be a tracing paper of the Russian-language abstract, but in terms of meaning and structure it should correspond to the Russian version and be literate from the point of view of the English language.

  Key words.Keywords in English must match keywords in Russian.

The full text should have the IMRAD structure and contain sections: introduction (relevance), purpose and objectives, materials and methods (patients and methods), discussion (discussion), results, conclusions.

  Manuscript size(excluding metadata) should not exceed 6000 words. In the case when the volume of the article exceeding the standards, in the opinion of the author, is justified and cannot be reduced, the decision on publication is made by the editorial board on the recommendation of the reviewer.

  Units of measurement are given in the SI system; the use of uncommon abbreviations in the article is not allowed; all abbreviations must be deciphered at the first mention, then only the abbreviation is used in the text; obscure and highly specialized terms should also be deciphered.

  Requirements for the design of the text of the article:A4 sheet format; Times New Roman font; size 12; line spacing 1.5; margins: top and bottom 2.5 cm, left 2.0 cm; right 2.0 cm; document format when sent to the editor *.doc or *.docx. Highlights in text can ONLY be made in italics or bold letters, but NOT underlined. All duplicate spaces and extra line breaks must be removed from the text.

  When describing medicinal products, at the first mention of them, the active substance (international non-proprietary name - INN), commercial name, manufacturer, country of production should be indicated; all names and dosages must be carefully verified.

  Description of post-registration clinical trials of medicinal products, food products, biologically active food supplements and child care products must necessarily include information on registration and approval for use of these products by official licensing authorities (registration number, date of registration).

  Bibliography.The list of references should be formatted in accordance with the rules for the design of reference lists developed in accordance with the recommendations of PubMed and Scopus (standard US National Information Standards Organization NISO Z39.29-2005 [R2010]). The correct description of the sources used in the lists of references is a guarantee that the cited publication will be taken into account when assessing the publication performance of its authors and the organizations where they work.

  In the bibliography (list of references), references to sources of literature must be listed in citation order (and not alphabetically), each source from a new line under its serial number. References to sources are given in square brackets in Arabic numerals in the text of the article.

  In the bibliographic description of each source, it is unacceptable to abbreviate the title of the article. The title of English-language journals should be given in accordance with the catalog of titles in the PubMed database. If the journal is not indexed in PubMed, its full title must be given. The names of domestic journals should not be shortened.

It is recommended to include works published within the last 5 years in the list of cited literature.

Not allowed:

  links to unpublished works, dissertations, abstracts and materials published in various collections of conferences, congresses, etc.References to such materials can only be included in the list of references if they are available and found by search engines on the Internet, and the URL and date of access are indicated.

  References to works of many years ago (with the exception of rare highly informative works) are not allowed.

  The design of the bibliography of both Russian and foreign sources should be based on the Vancouver style in the AMA version (AMA style,

  If the number of authors does not exceed six, all authors are indicated in the bibliographic description. For larger numbers, the first six authors should be listed and "et al." (et al.).

  Links to foreign sources should contain the placement email address (PMID) and digital object identifier (DOI), which are determined on the sites ( fcgi?db=PubMed)And (, respectively. Please pay attention to the only correct design of the DOI link: Example.

  Do not put a dot after the DOI link and URL (http)!

  All sources (the title of the monograph, collection, journal) in the list of references are in italics.


  When making a link, it is recommended to take into account all the details (spacing, punctuation marks, capital letters, italics, etc.:


  • Абакумов М.М. Экстремальное состояние организма. Москва: Бином; 2016.
  • Mohr J, Wolf P, Moskowitz M, Mayberg M, Von Kummer R. Stroke: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2011.

Monograph edited by:

  • Савельев В.С., Гельфанд Б.Р. (ред.) Сепсис: классификация, клинико­диагностическая концепция и лечение: практическое руководство. 3-е изд., доп. и перераб. Москва: Медицинское информационное агентство; 2013.
  • Wartenberg KE, Shukri K, Abdelhak T. (eds.) Neurointensive Care: A Clinical Guide to Patient Safety. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing; 2015.

Chapter from the book:

  • Григорьева Е.В., Крылов В.В., Шатохина Ю.И., Степанов В.Н. Ней­ровизуализация в неотложной нейрохирургии. В кн.: Крылов В.В. (ред.) Нейрохирургия и нейрореаниматология. Москва: АБВ-пресс; 2018. Гл.2. с.39-69.
  • Kilgo P, Meredith J, Osler T. Injury severity scoring and outcomes research. In: Feliciano DV, Mattox KL, Moore EE. (eds.) Trauma. 6th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2008. p.223-230.

Journal article:

  • Щеткин В.А., Чукина Е.А., Спиридонова Т.Г., Боровкова Н.В., Берес­нева Э.А., Жиркова Е.А., и др. Крайне высокочастотная тера­пия в комплексном лечении пневмонии у пациентов с ожого­вой и ингаляционной травмой. Журнал им. Н.В. Склифосовского «Неотложная медицинская помощь». 2018;7(4):335-340. https://doi. org/10.23934/2223-9022-2018-7-4-335-340
  • Tsunoyama T, Nakahara S, Yoshida M, Kitamura M, Sakamoto T. Effectiveness of dispatcher training in increasing bystander chest compression for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients in Japan. Acute Med Surg. 2017;4(4):439-445. PMID: 29123905 ams2.303

Links to Internet sources:

  • Гуща А.О., Семёнов М.С., Полторако Е.А., Кащеев А.А., Вершинин А.В. Клинические рекомендации по диагностике и лечению воспали­тельных заболеваний позвоночника и спинного мозга. Москва, 2015. URL: [Дата обращения 23 июля 2019г.]
  • Brohi K. TRISS: Trauma — injury severity score. TRISS — Overview and Desktop Calculator. 2012. Available at: php/main/article/387 [Accessed Jul 01, 2016].

  According to the new rules, which take into account the requirements of such international citation systems as Web of Science and Scopus, in addition to the Russian-language list of sources, it is necessary to form a similar list in Latin - References (Romance sources remain unchanged, Cyrillic sources are transliterated in the BGN / PCGN standard (United States Board on Geographic Names / Permanent Committee on Geographical Names for British Official Use) if there is no original translation). To transliterate the text in accordance with the BGN standard, you can use the link Before placing the text in the workspace for transliteration, make sure that you have chosen the BGN standard. At the very end of the bibliographic description, an indication of the original language of the publication (In Russ.) is placed in parentheses.

  Rules for preparing bibliographic descriptions (References) of Russian-language sources for uploading to international citation indices

  The surnames and initials of the authors are transliterated (transliteration is the transfer of a Russian word into letters of the Latin alphabet) in the BGN standard.

  The title of the article (monograph) in English should be given as given in the original publication. In the absence of the original translation, the title of the monograph (article) is transliterated.

  The title of Russian-language journals is transliterated if there is no original translation.

  Pay attention to the punctuation in the examples!



  • Ermolov AS, Damirov MM. Ostraya hirurgicheskaya patologiya organov bryushnoj polosti i beremennost': posobie dlya vrachej. 2nd ed. Moscow: Binom Publ.; 2018. (In Russ.).
  • Abakumov MM. (ed.) Rukovodstvo dlya operatsionnykh i perevyazochnykh sester. 2nd ed. Moscow: Spets. izd-vo med. kn. (SIMK) Publ.; 2019. (In Russ.).

Chapter from the book:

  • Grigor'eva EV, Krylov VV, Shatokhina YuI, Stepanov VN. Grigor'eva EV, Krylov VV, Shatokhina YuI, Stepanov VN. Neyrovizualizatsiya v neotlozhnoy neyrokhirurgii. In: Krylov VV. (ed.) Neurosurgery and neuroreanimatology. Moscow: ABV-press Publ.; 2018. Pt.2. p.39-69. (In Russ.).

Journal article:

  • Shchetkin VA, Chukina EA, Spiridonova TG, Borovkova NV, Beresneva EA, Zhirkova EA, et al. Extremely High-frequency Therapy in the Complex Treatment of Pneumonia in Patients with Burn and Inhalation Trauma. Russian Sklifosovsky Journal “Emergency Medical Care”. 2018;7(4):335-340. (In Russ.). 2018-7-4-335-340
  • Neimark AI, Tachalov MA, Neimark BA, Torbik DV, Arzamastsev DD. X-ray-guided endovascular surgery in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer. Urologiia. 2017;(1):54-60. (In Russ.).

An example of a link to a Russian-language Internet resource:

  The authors are responsible for the reliability of the bibliographic data presented, up to the denial of the right to publish.

  Illustrative material.The article may be accompanied by illustrative material in the form of tables and figures. The editors, in agreement with the author, may reduce the amount of illustrative material in the article. The location of the illustration is indicated by the author in the text of the article by setting a link to a table or figure. The numbering of the illustrative material is carried out in the order of mention and is italicized (example: Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc., Table 1, Table 2, etc.).

  Tables should contain only the necessary data and be generalized and statistically processed materials, be easy to read and understand, have a name, units of measurement for each indicator, the presence or absence of statistical significance of data differences should be indicated. Tables should be placed in the text of the article, they should have a numbered heading. The table data should correspond to the numbers in the text, but should not duplicate the information presented in it. References to tables in the text are required.

  Drawings should be contrasting and clear. The amount of graphic material is minimal (with the exception of works where it is justified by the nature of the study). Each figure must be placed in the text and accompanied by a numbered caption. References to figures in the text are required.

  Images in the form of black-and-white or color photographs (NOT graphs, diagrams, diagrams, drawings and other hand-drawn illustrations) are submitted only in electronic form (separate files in *.pdf, *.tiff, *.jpeg, *.eps formats are not less than 300 dpi, at least 92 mm wide). Image files must be named according to the figure number in the text. In the description of the file, a signature should be given separately, which should correspond to the name of the photograph placed in the text. The title of the figures, captions to them with all designations are provided in a separate file. The titles of tables and figures must be translated into English. Authors must provide the informed consent of the patient or his legal representative to the publication of patient data, including a photographic image of the patient,

  Information about the author / authors is given at the end of the article in the following volume: last name, first name, patronymic, academic degree, academic title, position, full name of the institution with departmental affiliation; institution address; link to ORCID profile; e-mail. The information is given in two languages.

Additional Information(in Russian and English)

  Information about the conflict of interest.Authors should disclose potential and apparent conflicts of interest related to the manuscript. A conflict of interest can be considered any situation (financial relations, service or work in institutions that have a financial or political interest in published materials, official duties, etc.) that can affect the author of the manuscript and lead to concealment, distortion of data, or change their interpretation. The presence of a conflict of interest among one or more authors is not a reason for refusing to publish an article. The concealment of potential and obvious conflicts of interest on the part of the authors revealed by the editors may be the reason for refusal to consider and publish the manuscript.

  Information about the contribution of the authors to the writing of the article.For large teams of authors, it is desirable to indicate the contribution of each author to the study.

  Sponsorship information.It is necessary to indicate the source of funding for both scientific work and the publication of the article (foundation, commercial or government organization, private person, etc.). The amount of funding is not required.

Thanks.The authors can express their gratitude to people and organizations that contributed to the publication of the article in the journal, but are not its authors.


  Authors publishing in this journal agree to the following:

  The authors retain the copyright to the work and grant the journal the right to first publish the work under a license.Creative Commons Attribution License, which allows others to distribute this work with the obligatory preservation of links to the authors of the original work and the original publication in the journal.

  The authors reserve the right to enter into separate contractual arrangements regarding the non-exclusive distribution of the published version of the work (for example, placing it in an institute repository, publishing it in a book), with reference to its original publication.

  Authors have the right to post work on the Internet (for example, in an institute repository or personal site) before and during the process of reviewing it by this journal, as this can lead to a productive discussion and more references to this work. (Cm.The Effect of Open Access).


  The names and e-mail addresses entered on the website of the journal "Uzbek journal of Case reports" will be used solely for the purposes indicated by the editors of the journal, and will not be used for any other purpose or provided to other individuals and organizations.