Биология ва тиббиёт муаммолари 2023 №5 (148)

Subject of the article



Babarakhimova Sayyora Borievna


Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent


Purpose: to study the features of depressive symptoms in adolescents to optimize therapeutic and preventive measures. Material and methods: 111 adolescents aged 15 to 17 years, with the presence of depressive symptoms, were examined in the departments of the Clinical Hospital of the city of Tashkent. The Zung scale was used to determine the severity of depression and the Lichko questionnaire to establish character accentuation. Results: an analysis of the features of depressive symptoms in adolescents established the presence of a predominance of behavioral disorders in the clinical picture of the disease with a tendency to use psychoactive substances, disorders of intra-family relationships, and dysphoric reactions. Conclusion: Thus, the study of the features of depressive symptoms in adolescents found that dysphoric depression with significant behavioral disorders in persons with epileptoid character accentuation and anxiety depression in persons with psychasthenic character traits are most often formed during puberty. The results obtained will make it possible to identify important personal targets of psychotherapeutic work with patients prone to the development of depressive symptoms.

Key words

adolescents; personal characteristics; emotional disorders; depression


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