Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №5

Subject of the article



Xamrayev Farid, Lutfullaev Gairat, Alieva Nigina Karimovna, Valieva Sadokat


Samarkand State Medical University


Purpose: to study the clinical effect of the drug - trisamine in patients with cochleovestibular disorders of a peripheral nature of non-inflammatory origin. Methods: 40 patients with cochleovestibular disorders were administered trisamine as a 3.66% aqueous solution intravenously, drip (90 drops per minute) in an amount of 250 ml every other day; 5 injections per course of treatment. The results obtained: trisamine had an effect on vestibular function more than on auditory, which was reflected in the clinical symptoms and the results of electrophysiological studies. Conclusions: trisamine, with a mild effect on auditory function, however has a significant positive effect on the vestibular function of the inner ear. Intravenous administration of the drug can be recommended in the practice of audiology departments for the treatment of patients with peripheral vestibular disorders.

Key words

trisamine, cochlearvestibular disorders, analyzer.


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