Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №6

Subject of the article



Khursanov E. Yokubjon, Avazov A. Abdurakhim, Mustafakulov B. Ishnazar, Shakirov M. Babu


Samarkand State Medical University


Objective: In recent years, injuries have become the leading cause of death in the world, in terms of cardiovascular and oncological diseases (1). The number of burns worldwide has been steadily increasing over the past thirty years. According to the World Health Organization, thermal injury ranks three among other injuries (2). This is due to the high power and mass ratio of modern production, transport, the widespread use of high voltage currents, aggressive chemical liquids and explosive gases (3). Method: Under our supervision, 112 burn patients aged from 7 months to 71 years were treated in the Samarkand Emergency Department and the Interdistrict Burn Center. 43 patients were hospitalized with deep burns up to 5% of the body surface, 56 patients with burns up to 10% of the body surface and 13 patients with burns of 10% of the body surface. 83 patients (74.1%) were treated for shock, the remaining 29 (25.9%) - for toxicosis. Research results: Of the 112 patients treated with sandalwood yogi, 89 were treated after the first autodermoplasty. Repeated autodermoplasty was performed in 23 patients, in whom the total area of the lesion was more than 10% of the body surface. In the postoperative period, lysis of skin formations was noted in 11 patients. The main reason for Liz is the hematomas that form under them, which require additional skin plastic surgery. Conclusion: Thus, over the past 10 years, the Samarkand branch of RSHTIM and the Samarkand Interregional Burn Center have achieved success in providing specialized medical care in the treatment of deep burns with sandalwood. Care aimed at accelerating the rejection of necrotic tissues in preparation for autodermoplasty and reducing postoperative contractures and deformities. Despite ongoing talk, reports, there is no adequate prevention of sandalwood oil up to six years. There are no popular scientific publications on this type of pathology in the republics of Central Asia. The

Key words

burns, surgical treatment


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