Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №6

Subject of the article



Dadabaeva U. Mukhlosakhon, Azimov A. Kamron, Boltaev Y.Sanjar


Samarkand State Medical University


The effectiveness of orthopedic treatment of patients with the use of fixed dentures depends on their quality fixation on the abutment teeth. In order to improve the adhesion of the material to the tissues of the tooth, in recent years, special attention has been paid to adhesive fixation systems that improve the fixation of prostheses not only with enamel, but also with dentin. Adhesion of dental materials to dentin is difficult due to its heterogeneity. With the development of adhesive dentistry, all-ceramic restorations have become more widely used. The development and introduction of composite cement into practice have led to a change in the method of fixation of ceramic restorations using adhesive systems. Thus, the problem of choosing a material for fixing all-ceramic prostheses remains relevant. Clinical practice dictates the need for a clear differentiated approach when using modern composite cement, depending on the type of restoration.

Key words

dentoalveolar arch, fixed prosthesis structures, adhesion of composite cement, adhesive properties of glass ionomer and composite cement, ceramic crowns based on zirconium dioxide, cephalometric analysis, craniofacial complex, X-ray cephalometric parameters


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