Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №5

Subject of the article



Tulaganov B. Bekzod, Rizaev A. Jasur, Tukhtarov E. Bakhrom


Samarkand State Medical University


Purpose of the study. The study of the functional state of the body of orthopedic dentists in the dynamics of the working week Material and methods. The objects of observation were the working conditions of doctors in orthopedic rooms of 4 state clinics, 14 private licensed dental institutions, as well as orthopedic dentists working in them. The number of examined doctors was 120 people. Examination of doctors was carried out at the beginning of the working week and at the end of it. To assess the work of orthopedic dentists in terms of severity and intensity, a chronometric observation of the working day was carried out, taking into account two options for organizing labor. Results of the study and their discussion As a result of the study, it was found that among the subjects, low attention span at the end of the working week in polyclinic doctors is manifested by significantly higher indicators of the time spent on the test (61.8 ± 2.7 and 53.0±1.05, respectively) (p<0.05). Doctors of state polyclinics reproduce a significantly smaller amount of numbers compared to doctors of private institutions, namely, at the beginning of the week 44.9±2.49 and 47.6±2.23, respectively, at the end of the week — 36.7±227 and 45.2 ±2.11 respectively. A decrease in the function of thinking by the end of the working week was revealed on the example of a simple counting operation in 2 compared groups of doctors when performing the test, the speed indicator was significantly worse in the group of dentists-orthopedists of state institutions, both at the beginning of the week and at the end of it (37.1 ± 0 .9 and 34.7±0.8, respectively). Conclusion. Thus, a comparative analysis of the parameters of the working conditions of orthopedic dentists of municipal and private dental institutions, their functional state in the dynamics of the working week showed that the work of doctors in municipal clinics poses a greater occupational risk compared to work in private dental institutions.

Key words

functional state, working conditions, dentistry, occupational risk


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