Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2023 №1

Subject of the article



Mustafoyev Zafarjon, Olimova Aziza


Samarkand State Medical University


Objective: to study the morphological and morphometric parameters of the liver of white outbred rats that underwent experimental traumatic brain injury after drug correction. Methods: Experimental studies were carried out in 3 stages: the first stage - the study of morphometric parameters of the liver of three-month-old white rats of the intact group (n = 60). The second stage consists in studying the morphometric parameters of the liver of three-month-old outbred rats (n=60) on the 1st day after TBI of animals using the "traffic accident" method. The third stage - the study of morphometric parameters of the liver of three-month-old white rats (n=60) after conservative treatment for 10 days from the first day after traumatic brain injury. For the purpose of drug correction, L-lysine aescinate 1 mg/ml was used, 5 ml was injected intramuscularly, 5 ml of a 25% magnesium sulfate solution was dissolved in 45 ml of isotonic saline, and 0.5 ml of the resulting mixture was injected intramuscularly. intramuscularly, 4 ml of a solution of citicoline 125 ml/mg was administered intramuscularly for 10 days. For morphometric studies, histological micropreparations of the liver of outbred rats stained with hematoxylin-eosin were made. All necessary parameters of the liver structure were measured. The results obtained: the results of the third group of experiments, the morphometric parameters of the liver of rats with brain damage after drug therapy: the diameter of the central vein is 55,06±1,20 mkm, the diameter of the interlobular vein is 89,04±2,10 mkm, the diameter of the interlobular artery is 26,08±2,45 mkm, diameter of interlobular bile ducts 13,94±1,08 mkm, diameter of sinusoidal capillaries 29,14±1,10 mkm, total area of hepatocytes 490,6±10,06 mkm, total area of nuclei 59,30±2,10 mkm, the total area of the cytoplasm was 430,06±1,02 mkm. Conclusions. Our use of certain types of neuroprotectors as corrective therapy has a positive effect on the morphometric parameters of all structural units of the liver tissue. The results of the study made it possible to establish the degree of morphometric changes in the structures of the liver of experimental animals. This, in turn, contributes to improving the quality of early diagnosis, the development and selection of evidence-based methods for effective treatment of the consequences of traumatic brain injury.

Key words

morphometry, liver, morphology, craniocerebral injury, white outbred rats.


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