Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №2

Subject of the article



ABDURAHMANOV Diyor Shukurillaevich ,USAROV Sherali Nasritdinovich, KHIDIROV Ziyadulla Erkinovich ,DAVLATOV Salim Sulaymanovich


Samarkand State Medical Institute Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Bukhara State Medical Institute


ANNOTATION The results of surgical treatment of 197 patients with ventral hernias were analyzed, while 104 (52.8%) patients underwent simultaneous operations to correct the surgical pathology of the abdominal cavity organs and the anterior abdominal wall. In 20.1% of patients, the simultaneous stage of the operation was performed using a separate minilaparotomic approach. Tension alloplasty methods were performed in 48.2%, non-tension methods - in 51.8%, while 26.4% of patients underwent dermatolipidectomy. The study of the level of stress hormones during simultaneous operations on the abdominal cavity and abdominal wall organs in patients with ventral hernia showed that the degree of surgical aggression in most cases was influenced by the "tension" method of plasty of the anterior abdominal wall and the duration of the operation. Performing the stage of the operation to correct the pathology of the abdominal organs did not significantly affect the level of stress hormones.

Key words

Key words: ventral hernia, simultaneous pathology, surgical correction.


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