Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №6

Subject of the article



Baymakov R. Sayfiddin, Yunusov Sh. Seydamet, Togayev B. Sherkobul, Shanieva R. Sara.


Tashkent State Dentistry Institute


to date, Fournier's gangrene remains an insufficiently studied acute surgical disease of a purulent-necrotic nature. This pathology is one of the rare forms of infectious necrotizing fasciitis of the genitals and perineum of polymicrobial etiology. The prevalence of Fournier gangrene, as a dangerous surgical pathology, is increasing every year. The disease is characterized by a rapid course, with symptoms of severe intoxication. The outcome in most cases depends on the time of the operation from the onset of the disease. Timely diagnosis, surgical treatment and adequate antibiotic therapy can minimize the incidence of complications and mortality.

Key words

Fournier's gangrene, lightning gangrene of the scrotum, skin plastics


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