Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №1

Subject of the article



MAKHMUDOV Sardor Mamasharifovich MAVLYANOVA Zilola Farkhadovna Khaidarova Sarvinoz Khaydarzhonovna VYSOGORTSEVA Olga Nikolaevna


Samarkand State Medical Institute, Tashkent medical academy


Aim of research: to study the role of NUGA BEST equipment in the rehabilitation of patients with the central form of ankylosing spondylitis. Materials and methods of research: The data of 65 patients aged 34.6±2.9 years (from 28 to 48 years) with a diagnosis of the central form of ankylosing spondylitis were studied. During the observation, patients were divided into the main and control groups. The subjects of the control group (n= 32) received only traditional methods of treatment. In 33 patients of the main group, along with traditional methods of treatment, NUGA BEST equipment for the rehabilitation of patients with the spine diseases was included in the rehabilitation program. The effectiveness of rehabilitation measures was studied using a visual analog scale for assessing pain syndrome, Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI, disease activity index), chest excursions, Schober test, Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Metrology Index (BASMI), according to the results of the test of wellbeing, activity and mood, evaluating the indicators of psycho-emotional status. Results: by the end of rehabilitation in patients of the main group in the part of the spine involved in the pathological process, there was an increase in the range of motion up to 5.56±0.27 cm versus 2.98±0.23 cm (p<0.05) at the beginning of rehabilitation. While in patients of the control group, the range of motion increased from 3.12±0.16 cm before treatment to 5.11±0.14 cm (p<0.05) after rehabilitation. Pain syndrome when walking decreased in 98.2% of patients of the main group, while in the control group this indicator decreased only in 67.3% (p<0.05) of patients. Evaluation of the recovery of the spinal excursion showed its recovery in 67% of patients in the main group and in 42% of the control group. The average value of the BASDAI index in the control group before treatment of NUGA BEST equipment in rehabilitation led to a decrease in this indicator from 3.35±0.91 to 1.82±0.61 points (р<0,05). In the control group, the spinal mobility index was 4.03±1.12 points before rehabilitation, and after rehabilitation measures 3.93±0.82 points, against 3.11±0.91 and 4.12±1.26 points in patients main group, respectively. Conclusions: In patients with the central form of ankylosing spondylitis, the inclusion of NUGA BEST equipment in rehabilitation leads to a multifactorial effect with a subsequent decrease in the functional overload of the spinal column. Along with this, muscle relaxation, analgesic effects are also noted, not only the range of motion in the spinal column increases, but also the excursion of the chest, not only the psycho-emotional state of the patient improves, but the period of clinical remission also lengthens.

Key words

central form of ankylosing spondylitis, physical rehabilitation, rehabilitation equipment for the spine Nuga-Best


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