Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №1

Subject of the article



Samiyeva Gulnoza Utkurovna KHolikova Farida Farxodovna Ganiyeva Aziza Burkhanovna


Samarkand State Medical Institute


of the possibilities of compensating for disturbances in the sound conduction mechanism caused by otosclerosis, adhesive otitis media and some other diseases of the middle ear. A more detailed and strict delineation of the concepts of sound conduction disturbance and sound perception is also needed. All this led to a noticeable revival of work on the improvement of existing and the development of new methods of audiological diagnostics, however, a level has not yet been reached that would allow practical audiology to approach the solution of this problem.

Key words

otitis media, auditory sensitivity, hearing, audiometer.


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