Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №6

Subject of the article



Rizaev A. Jasur, Inagamov M. Sherzod, Nazarova Sh. Nodira


Samarkand State Medical University


Dental diseases that occur among athletes require close attention due to emerging problems associated with dentoalveolar pathology, which occurs in most cases among athletes whose activities are associated with trauma to the teeth, gums, dentoalveolar joint, as well as soft tissues of the oral cavity. This article presents the results of a medical and social survey conducted among athletes on the basis of filling out a questionnaire. The survey showed that more than 40% of athletes have knowledge about the possible occurrence of pathological processes of the dental profile during sports training in various sports. The study of the dental profile according to the main evaluation indicators revealed the fact that among athletes involved in various sports, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures for functional disorders and possible pathological changes in the dental system. Currently, for this purpose, sports dental splints are used, which ensure the retention of the lower jaw in the position necessary to prevent its injury, with increased pressure arising during training. It should be noted that there are inconveniences, as well as a communicative psychological barrier when using prophylactic splints, this is due to the fact that athletes disrupt the normal closing of the jaws, causing disturbances in diction and cosmetic distortion of the face due to hypertonicity of the masticatory muscles.

Key words

entistry, athletes, sports dentistry, prevention of dental diseases, dentoalveolar system, dentition trauma.


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