Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №6

Subject of the article



Raimkulova F. Dilnoza, Begmatov X. Baxtiyor, Karimov A. Doniyor, Aladova Yu. Lyudmila, Kadirov F. Jonibek


Samarkand State Medical University


Authors present clinical and epidemiological characterization of the 200 patients with pneumococcal pneumonia of the age to 7 years old. The data analysis showed that pneumococcal pneumonia is often observed in the children older before 2 years old (51%), что совпадает с началом посещения ребенком детского дошкольного учреждения. It was also observed that the role of S.pneumoniae in etiology of the acute pneumonias has increased for the children in the last years. The use of rapid immunochromatographic test BinaxNOW along with cultural methods increases the detection of the etiology of pneumococcal pneumonias in children.

Key words

pneumococcal pneumonias in children, Streptococcus рneumoniae, pneumococcal infections, latex agglutination test, immunochromatographic test, children.


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