Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №1

Subject of the article



SAMIYEV Asliddin Sayitovich KHAKIMOVA Sohiba Ziyodulloevna SOIBNAZAROV Orzuqul Ernazarovich


Samarkand State Medical Institute


Objective: to develop and implement rehabilitation measures that increase the effectiveness of rehabilitation treatment of patients with surgery for herniated disc of the lumbar spine. Methods: 56 patients aged 21-54 years who underwent surgery on the lumbar spine were under observation. All patients underwent in-depth clinical and neurological examination. The results obtained: After the rehabilitation procedures, a dynamic ENMG examination was conducted to determine the effectiveness of therapeutic measures. Analysis of the results of the main group revealed a statistically significant increase in the maximum M-response in patients with reflex and compression ischemic syndrome along the course of the large and small nerves of the lower leg. In patients with radicular syndrome, the maximum value of the M-response increased of the tibial nerve from 3874 ±72.8 to 4671 ±89.7. Conclusions. Our results confirm comprehensive rehabilitation programs for patients who have undergone spinal surgery with lumbar vertebrogenic syndromes, i.e. algorithms for inpatient, rehabilitation and outpatient stages of treatment, reduce the time of disability and disability of patients and improve the quality of life.

Key words

degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the spine, lumbar disc herniation, pain, ENMG.


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