Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №2

Subject of the article



Nasretdinova Makhzuna, Abdiev Elbek.


Samarkand State Medical Institute


ANNOTATION Damage to the inner ear can be a consequence of both acute and chronic diseases: infectious diseases, poisoning, stress, injuries, diseases of the cardiovascular system and many other conditions. The purpose of this work was to study the effectiveness of a new complex method of treating SNT on the audiotone device. Electrostimulation has a positive effect on the peripheral structures of the auditory analyzer, on metabolic processes and the state of cerebral hemodynamics associated with the release of biologically active substances, endogenous opioid peptides into the bloodstream and cerebrospinal fluid. This method of treatment was used in 40 patients with chronic sensorineural hearing loss, who were under our supervision for 6 months. After the course of treatment, noise stopped in 24 patients, the intensity of noise decreased in 12 patients, the nature of noise changed, and 5 patients showed an improvement in hearing acuity by 10 Db and speech intelligibility. The obtained data indicate the effectiveness and expediency of using a complex method of treatment on the "audioton" device for CHF and recommend it as an independent method of treating ear noise.

Key words

Key words Sensoneural hearing loss, auditon, magnetic therapy


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