Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №2

Subject of the article



Tursunov Odil, Juraev Mirzhalol, Kuliev Aziz, Raximov Nodir.


Samarkand State Medical Institute Samarkand branch of the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology


ANNOTATION Purpose: To improve the diagnosis of volumetric formations of the liver using radiation methods. Material and research methods. On the basis of the SВRSSPMCOR, we analyzed the results of PET-CT studies of patients for the period from 2017 to 2020. 67 of them were found to have masses of the liver, there were 36 women (53.73%), and 31 men (46.26%). Research results. Of the 67 patients, 40 (59.70%) had a histologically verified oncological diagnosis at the time of the study. Metabolically active formations were identified in 36 patients. Of these, 33 patients were found to have metastatic liver damage: 3 patients were found to have a combination of metabolically active (metastatic) and metabolically inactive formations (cysts). In the remaining 31 patients, liver lesions had no PET signs of 18F-FDG hypermetabolism. Conclusion: Thus, positron emission tomography turned out to be a highly effective method in detecting liver metastases and their differential diagnosis from benign focal lesions. PET can detect extrahepatic metastases, thereby changing the stage of the disease and allowing to adjust the therapy and tactics of surgical intervention.

Key words

Key words: liver metastasis, focal formations, positron emission tomography, radiopharmaceutical.


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