Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №1

Subject of the article



KHALIMOVA Khanifa Mukhsinovna RASHIDOVA Nilufar Safoyevna HOLMURATOVA Bahtigul Nurmuhammat kizi RAKHMATULLAEVA Gulnora Kutbitdinovna


Tashkent medical academy


Cephalgia is a painful process that interferes with the normal functioning of the body, with a global prevalence of headache among the adult population (clinical symptoms observed at least 1 time in the last year) is approximately 50%. It is known that all existing headaches are studied in two major groups: primary H and secondary H. Despite the prevalence of primary headaches, particularly migraine and tension headaches, and their significant socioeconomic disadvantages, their pathophysiology has not been fully studied. For many years, the onset of migraine symptoms has been thought to be associated with changes in vascular tone, followed by a number of scientific studies showing that the mechanism of the pain phase in migraine is related to trigeminovascular (TVT) system activation and pain neuropeptides. In modern neurology, the role of neutrophilic factors in the development of pain is being studied. In this paper, we consider the role of cerebral neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the pathogenesis of primary cephalgias.

Key words

headache, migraine, tension headache, pathogenesis, neurotrophic factor, hormone, BDNF, pain.


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