Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №5

Subject of the article



Farmanova Maxtob Alimovna


Bukhara State Medical Institute


Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of phosphargine succinate in patients with chronic brucellosis. Materials and methods: The object of the study were 85 patients aged 17 to 74 years who were treated at the Bukhara Regional Infectious Diseases Hospital. Results and discussion: According to clinical forms, the patients were distributed as follows: primary chronic brucellosis (BCB) - 22 (25.8%) and secondary chronic brucellosis (ICB) - 63 (74.2%). Patients mainly complained of fever, weakness, headache, loss of appetite, tremor, sweating, and the like. But their meeting was different in primary and secondary chronic brucellosis. According to DAS28, it was 3.95±0.13 and 4.23±0.12 points in primary and secondary chronic brucellosis. We also evaluated LPO processes in the blood serum of patients with MDA levels. Based on the results obtained, we tried to improve the treatment of CB and for this we used the drug phosphargine succinate, produced in our republic. This drug has antihypoxant and antioxidant properties. Studies have shown it to be more effective than conventional treatment for chronic brucellosis. Conclusions: Chronic brucellosis is characterized by an increase in the amount of MDA, a weakening of the antioxidant defense system and a decrease in the compensatory capabilities of the antioxidant system, and their changes depend on the severity of the disease. The inclusion of the drug Phosfargin in the treatment of chronic brucellosis leads to early elimination of clinical symptoms

Key words

Chronic brucellosis, clinic, diagnosis, antioxidant system


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