Doktor axborotnomasi 2024, №1 (113)

Maqola mavzusi



У. К. Бободустов, А. А. Саидов, Г. Т. Рузиева


Бухоро давлат тиббиёт институти, Бухоро, Ўзбекистон


2021-2023 йиллар мобайнида Бухоро давлат тиббиёт институтига қарашли стоматология ўқув-илмий-амалий марказига мурожаат қилган тиш-жағ тизими аномалия ва деформациялари бор 122 нафар болалар асо-сий гуруҳимизга олинди. Тиш-жағ тизими аномалия ва деформацияларини ортодонтик даволаш жараёнида келиб чиқадиган тарқоқ катарал гингивитда оғиз суюқлигида гумарал иммуногенез жараёни активлашган -IgG миқдори 0,23±0,11 нормага нисбатан 3 марта ошган. “Стомагель” мази ни ва анор донаги мойини тарқоқ катал гингивитда қўллаш самарадорлиги анъанавий даволашга нисбатан яхши натижа берди, даволаш самарадорлиги 94 % ни ташкил этди.

Kalit so'zlar

аномалия ва деформация, гингивит, оғиз бўшлиғи, гигиеник ҳолат.


1. Саидов А.А., Азимова Ш.Ш., Абруев У.Р, Расулов М.М. Тиш-жағ тизими аномалияларининг Бухоро шаҳар мактаб ёшидаги болалар орасида тарқалиши // Доктор Ахборотномаси. - 2020. - №1. – С. 67-71. 2. Sh.Sh.Azimova, A.A.Saidov., F.I.Ibragimovа Medical and Psychological Approach in the Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Cutaneous Bite in Children // Annals of the Romanion Society for Cell Biology. – Volume 21, Issue 4, March, 2021. – Р. 16137-16142. (Scopus). 3. H.R. Aliyev., A.A.Saidov Improving the Treatment and Profiling of Deformities Caused by the Loss of Molars in Children // Ilocua Annals of R.S.C.B..ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 4, 2021, Pages. 16151 - 16155 Received 05 March 2021; Accepted 01 April 2021.16137 hltp : //annal 4. Saidov A.A. Assessment of some indicators of oral liquid in children with the pathology of the temior-lower under jaw joint // Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research , Indiya, 2020.Vol 9, Issue 1, january. – Р. 59-63. Impact Faktor= 6.8 5. Saidov A.A. Hygienic condition of the oral cavity during orthodontic treatment of children with temporomandibu-lar joint dysfunction // The Pharma Innovation Journal. Indiya, 2020. - № 9(6). - Р. 589-591. Impact Faktor= 5.98 6. Saidov A.A., Olimov S.SH., Gaffarov S.A., Akhmadaliev N.N. The value of matrix metalloproteases and connec-tive tissue markers in the pathology of temp-jaw joint in children // Journal of critical reviews, 2020. Vol 7, – P. 44-49. 7. Saidov A.A. Assessment of some indicators of oral liquid in children with the pathology of the temior-lower under jaw joint // Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research , Indiya, 2020.Vol 9, Issue 1, january. – Р. 59-63. Impact Faktor= 6.8 8. Saidov A.A. Hygienic condition of the oral cavity during orthodontic treatment of children with temporomandibu-lar joint dysfunction // The Pharma Innovation Journal. Indiya, 2020. - № 9(6). - Р. 589-591. Impact Faktor= 5.98 9. Saidov A.A., Gaffarov S.A. The role of matrix metalloproteases in early diagnostics in the pathology of the tempo-mandibular joint in children // Актуальные вызовы современной науки. Сборник научных трудов. Выпуск 4(48) часть1. Переяслав – 2020 - С.51-52. 10. Saidov A.A., Gaffarov S.A. Evaluation of certain indicators of oral fluid in children with temporomandibular joint pathology // Актуальные вызовы современной науки. Сборник научных трудов. Выпуск 4(48) часть1. Переяслав – 2020 - С.53-55. 11. Saidov A.A., Gaffarov S.A. Evaluation of some indicators of oral fluid in children with temporamandibular joint pathology // International journal of Innovations in engineering research and technology- 2020. -P.16-18.