Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №6

Maqola mavzusi



Aliyev M. Mahmud, Nematjonov Z. Farruh, Tuychiev O. Golibjon, Yuldashev Z. Rustam.


Andijan State Medical Institute


Accurate data on the epidemiology of biliary obstruction have not been obtained. Obstructive cholestases in children of early age correspond to BA in 68-75% of points, and in 12-15% of points to cystic transformation of the liver common bile duct. In epidemiological data, the rate of biliary atresia is on average 1/15,000-18,000 worldwide, while according to Hanna Lampela's research, it is 1/17,000-1/19,000 among the European population. The incidence of common bile duct cystic transformation is 1 in 50,000 to 2,000,000 live births. Among the Asian population, BA has the highest rate of -1/9600 and found that the rate of biliary cystic transformation is 1:100,000. The prevalence of BA among the population of Africa and developing countries has not been fully studied until now. According to Aliev M.M., the incidence of BA in the Republic of Uzbekistan is on average 1-10000-1/15000. In the distribution of obstructive cholestasis in children, it was found that girls and boys meet in the ratio of 1.5/1.0, while other sources indicate 4:1. According to Aliev M.M. and the co-authors, the difference between girls and boys is not significant. In general, the assessment of the epidemiological situation of obstructive cholestasis in children is a complex sociological investigation, depending on the use of specialized research projects or equivalent applications. However, despite the recommended tests, the diagnosis of obstructive cholestasis continues to be delayed, which significantly worsens the results of their treatment.

Kalit so'zlar

obstructive jaundice, biliary atresia, bile duct cystic transformations, liver cirrhosis


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