Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2023 №1

Maqola mavzusi



Minnulin R. Irkin


Samarkand State Medical University


In recent years, both in our country and abroad, there has been an increased interest in surgical interventions that allow preserving the shape of the mammary gland in patients with tumor diseases after the forced removal of this organ. Preserving the shape of this organ allows achieving satisfactory aesthetic results and reducing the level of complications, namely psychological ones for women, because the mammary glands, being one of the integral parts of women's puberty, play an important role in the aspect of their self-awareness and psychology of perception. Thus, as the designs of breast prostheses improve, their implantation becomes an increasingly common method of plastic intervention after mastectomies.

Kalit so'zlar

breast cancer, mastectomy, breast prosthesis.


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