Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2023 №1

Maqola mavzusi



Alimkhodzhaeva T. Lola, Nishanov A. Doniyor, Bozorova M. Lutfiyahon, Norbekova Kh. Munira


Tashkent Medical Academy


In recent years, along with breast cancer, there has also been an increase in accessory breast cancer (AMBC). According to most experts, the prognosis of ADBC is determined by its early diagnosis, which requires careful screening among women at high risk, which include, first of all, patients with precancerous lesions of the breast. In recent years, the IHC method has become widely used by researchers in the study of intraepithelial neoplasia of the mammary gland and its lobes for early diagnosis and prognosis. However, in most published studies using this method, a limited number of markers does not allow to fully clarify the biological profile of the diseases under study, there are no data on the prognostic significance of these types of neoplasia, and a comprehensive diagnostic algorithm combining morphological and IHC criteria has not been defined.

Kalit so'zlar

Breast cancer, cancer of the accessory lobe of the breast, immunohistochemistry, dysplasia, invasion.


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