Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2023 №1

Maqola mavzusi



Akhmedova M.Sayora, Masharipova K.Khulkar.


Tashkent Medical Academy


Age-related changes in the topography of the ducts concerned the length, diameter, depth, the number of branches and the severity of anastomoses between segmental branches and between the lobar ducts. The diameter of the common hepatic duct ranged from 1.1 mm to 5.0 mm, the right hepatic duct from 0.87 mm to 3.06 mm, and the left hepatic duct from 0.89 mm to 3.03 mm in different age groups. The length of the total hepatic duct is from 4.5 mm to 35.8 mm. When considering the angles of incidence between the common hepatic and left and right ducts varies. The results showed that in children of all age groups the formation of the common hepatic duct is variable; 2 to 5 intrahepatic ducts take part in its formation, while the number of ducts coming from the right lobe of the liver prevails.

Kalit so'zlar

Key words: hepatic ducts, liver, postnatal ontogenesis


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