Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №2

Maqola mavzusi



SADIKOV Rustam Abrarovich BABADJANOV Azam Khasanovich TURGUNOV Sherzod Shokirovich BOTIROV Akram Kodiralievich NOSIROV Muzaffar Madaminovich


Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Surgery named after Academician V. Vakhidov, Andijan State Medical Institute


ANNOTATION The authors, in the experimental group of animals, to prevent complications of colon suture insufficiency (CSI), performed therapeutic manipulations in the form of sessions of laser exposure to the zone of the formed colon stump. The radiation used by the authors in the 980 nm spectrum penetrates deeply into the tissues, at the same time, the high frequency of radiation enhances microcirculation and does not lead to resorption of infiltrates. In the course of experimental studies, it was confirmed that the technique of laser exposure contributes to the arrest of the ischemia process in the zone of the cecum stump, at the same time does not limit the processes of infiltration formation and contributes to the subsiding of inflammation.

Kalit so'zlar

Key words: colon surgery, colon resection, intestinal anastomosis, colon suture incompetence (CSI), low-energy laser (LEL), infrared (IR).


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