Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №2

Maqola mavzusi



Biykuzieva Aziza, Alieva Dilfuza, Mavlyanova Zilola, Ravshanova Maftuna, Botirov Farhod.


Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Sports Medicine Samarkand State Medical Institute ,Samarkand regional rehabilitation hospital


ANNOTATION Aim. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the method of high-intensity magnetic therapy for sprains of the knee ligaments in athletes. Methods. We examined 26 athletes involved in martial arts - judo, taekwondo and karate with different sports qualifications, who showed signs of knee sprain of 1 and 2 degrees. The main group included 13 athletes whose comprehensive rehabilitation program included procedures for high- intensity magnetotherapy Super Inductive System (SIS) on the device BTL 6000. The control group consisted of 13 athletes whose rehabilitation program was carried out without the inclusion of high- intensity magnetic therapy. Results. An analysis of the indicators of the KOOS subscales at the beginning of rehabilitation treatment showed that the minimum score was observed in terms of "symptoms" - 49.6±7.2 in the main group and 52.8±13.9 in the control group, which can be explained by the presence of a pronounced pain syndrome in knee joint injury in the examined athletes. Also, due to the pain syndrome, there was a low score on the subscales "quality of life" - 62.9±14.1 and "sports activity" - 64.2±19.7. Athletes have changed their daily activity to the least extent, as evidenced by a slight increase in this indicator. Conclusion. A comparative analysis showed that when high-intensity magnetotherapy is introduced into the rehabilitation complex for combatants with knee joint problems, it leads to a quick and effective recovery, which can be seen from the dynamics of the indicators of the knee injury outcome scale - KOOS.

Kalit so'zlar

Key words: high-intensity magnetotherapy, knee joint sprains, sports injuries, combatants, rehabilitation in sports.


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