Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №6

Maqola mavzusi



Alimkhodzhaeva T. Lola, Bozorova M. Lutfiya.


Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical medical center of oncology and radiology


This article describes the indicators of DNA content in the nuclei of cell suspensions during flow cytophotometry, which differ significantly from the results of photometry of histological and cytological preparations stained according to Feulgen. With flow photometry, the amount of DNA is measured not only in the nuclei of epithelial cells in neoplasia, but also in the nuclei of cells in the stroma, blood vessels, and other structures. These conditions of flow photometry significantly change the nature of the histograms of the distribution of nuclei, as a rule, towards the predominance of the diploid peak due to the nuclei of non-tumor cells. If monoclonal antibody "tags" are used in flow cytometry to detect the cell population of interest, then in this case the result of the study may also be unreliable, since monoclonal antibodies can be expressed both in carcinomas and in benign tumors and normal breast tissue. When diagnosing the last stage, the degree of differentiation of carcinoma is determined by ploidy values. The ploidy of cell nuclei 4.5-5.4s indicates the first, highly differentiated degree, 5.5-6.4s the second, moderately differentiated degree, 6.5-7.4s - the third, lowdifferentiated. Thus, this research method makes it possible to clarify the diagnosis of the stages of carcinogenesis in the mammary gland and make informed decisions regarding benign processes, borderline conditions, and malignant neoplasms. The data obtained can be used as additional differential diagnostic criteria for morphological diagnosis of the stages of carcinogenesis in the mammary gland.

Kalit so'zlar

Breast cancer, carcinogenesis, diagnosis, prognostic factors.


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