Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №2

Maqola mavzusi



KAMALOVA Malika Ilhomovna SHARIFOVA Shakhnoza Kuchkarovna


Samarkand State Medical Institute Bukhara State Medical Institute


ANNOTATION Purpose of the study: study of morphological changes in the stomach of rats under the influence of ethanol in the postnatal period Material and methods:During our research we used morphological and electron-microscopic methods of investigation. In the course of experimental studies, the effect of chronic liver disease in the mother on postnatal morphogenesis of the gastrointestinal organs of the offspring was revealed. Ten days after the last injection, males were added to females. The experimental animals were the rats aged 3, 7, 14, 21 days of life born and fed by female mothers with chronic toxic hepatitis. These study terms agree with the generally recognized subdivision of age periods in rats: neonatal period (1-5 days), period (6-21 days). The results of the study: showed that the toxic effects of ethanol have a negative impact on postnatal growth, development and formation and on the morphofunctional state of the vascular and tissue structures of the gastrointestinal tract and liver of offspring, causing pathomorphological changes in their vascular and tissue structures, contribute to the delay, delay the development and formation of them. Conclusions: Morphological changes in the rat stomach under the influence of ethanol in the postnatal period necessitates the development of science-based therapeutic and preventive measures to prevent pathology in the offspring born and nursed by mothers with this pathology.

Kalit so'zlar

Key words: morphology, rat, stomach, postnatal ontogenesis


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