Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №6

Maqola mavzusi



Maxmatmuradova N. Nargiza


Samarkand State Medical University


The article is devoted to the significance of the content of neutrophil elastase and interleukins (IL-1b, IL-17A) in the blood of patients with nonspecific interstitial pneumonia. The regulation of the inflammatory response in nonspecific interstitial pneumonia depends on a complex interaction between immune cells and inflammatory-specific and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Enzymes of proteolysis (neutrophil elastase) can serve as a diagnostic marker that determines the severity of nonspecific interstitial pneumonia. In nonspecific interstitial pneumonia, disturbances are noted in the form of a change in the concentration of interleukins - IL-1β, IL-17A in the blood serum of immunocompetent cells of the peripheral blood flow. Changes in the concentration of cytokinins and neutrophil elastase indicate a correlation with the severity of the disease.

Kalit so'zlar

nonspecific interstitial pneumonia, blood serum, neutrophil elastase, interleukins


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